1. Put up signs warning customers.
2. If your machines are capable, program a pre-rinsh that a customer can use for $.25 before adding their clothes.
FaceBook Groups.
Marketing Beaver
Use a gold titanium coated drill bits. Start small & work up until the lock gives out. Oil & apply only right amount of pressure to cause chips or curls of metal.
Insulate, put in dampers for make up air.
1. CLA
2. Brooks-Waterburn Corp.
3. Frankenmuth Insurance.
1. Have a PFS and capacity to purchase.
2. Research the trade area you're looking to purchase. How many stores around you?
3. Go through a broker or distributor.
4. Have the lease checked out. Have a long lease.
5. 30 minutes distance from work or home.
6. Does the P&L look accurate... Or some things missing?
7. How many gallons water used a month... how much electricity... does this look congruent to what's reported in the p&l
8. Condition and age of equipment .. type of equipment... front loaders?... how many are out of order?
9. Card / coin store?
10. Hours staff work is this congruent to the number of hours open ...What's the Staffing pattern?
11. Number of staff and is the owner pulling a lot of the shifts or is the staff covering them? You're looking for a business not a job!
12. Demographic make up of area
13. Lease rent and what is the annual escalating cost?
14. Trip net Lease terms?
15. Does it do wnf
16. How often do the vents get cleaned
17. Does the reports for repair have consistent details to age of equipment... for example... 20 years old equipment but claims 1000 dollar annual repair costs on PL...
Advice from the CLA. Video.
1. Claw machine.
2. Arcade games.
3. Massage chairs.
4. Gumball, stickers.
5. Candy machines.
6. Drink machines.
1. Keep the laundromat clean
2. Keep the Machines working
3. Don't be the cheapest price but be a medium to high price... that will eliminate the bottom feeders who will be the bane of your existence if you cater in any way to them
4. Make sure your bathroom is updated and in good shape and clean
5. Manage customer expectations
6. Do What You Say You Will
7. Don't nickel and dime customers
8. Advertise on social media every other form of advertising is a waste of money and time.
9. Get a card system for the laundromat it will be cheaper and easier to run.
10. If doing wash n fold... be clear upfront what you can and can't do... have a clear process to wash, fold and shelf the items.
11. Encourage word of mouth advertising and don't expect to start with a large clientele initially... it takes time to grow and the best form of advertising I found is Word of Mouth...
12. Be very clear up front that the laundromat is for paying customers don't allow people to loiter or hang out. This creates a really bad reputation for the laundromat if you allow it.
13. Be clear up front that the laundromat is a business ...act like it is ...some people think that it's a social service and they can get their laundry done for free or reduced rates. Some laundromat owners do free days. If you give away your services for free people will come to expect it.
14 Hire Trust Worthy Employees Whom are capable of running the business without giving it away
15 Hire Employees without experience and you will train them to do the task how you want them to do it a person with experience doesn’t often like to be told what to do.
16. Have WiFi.
17. Have music.
18. Have a TV.
When you look make sure you look for ones that do commercial service.
1. LaundroBoost.
2. Sate Digital.
3. Gant Marketing Media.
4. Laundromat Marketing Made Easy.
5. Laundry Biz Center.
6. Laundry Wizard.
8. Suds-Digital.
Reolink from Costco.
1. Put up permanent wet floor signs on your walls.
2. Keep cones with wet floors on them in each aisle.
1. Scoop it out.
2. Run hot water through it.
3. Vinegar and hot water.
Unless you change the name, reivews can't be removed.
Yes they can.
1. Homebase.
2. My Time Station.
3. When I Work.
4. Cleancloud.
5. Gusto.
6. Deputy.
AC6007 - Front Load Tokens Only Dispenser Cash or Credit Card - American Changer
Medium- 150-155.
Low- 130.
1. Use quarters painted a specific color for each attendant, with matching color lockboxes.
1. Dependable staff.
2. Folding procedures for consistency.
3. Bag labels for folder to initial for accountability.
4. Price by pound- For fairness and to not have super heavy stuffed bags.
5. Smaller cleaners supply bags to keep individual bag weight under 20lbs to avoid employee injury.
6. Upcharge for detergent other than standard distributor supplied as well as softener and hanging items.
7. Upcharge for degreaser and sanitizer for massage sheets.
8. Free pick up and deliver.
9. Have a policy on extremely soiled items (do not accept - we aren’t a nursing home facility).
10. Label clean bags 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 (for example).
11. Minimum 10lb charge.
12. $25 credit to customer who refers a new customer.
13. SOP - procedure to ensure everyone on the same page.
14. Hypoallergenic & regular detergent.
15. Promos (every once in a while, build your clientele).
16. Social media posts especially in town/city forum.
Mettler Toledo BC60.
Streamlabs offers water flow monitors.